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<title>Progress Dialog Box - Test Page</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="common.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="common.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="EB_addin_Test.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function Test_ShowModelessDialog() { var p = new classProgressDialogModeless(); function loop() { var total /*: int*/ = 10000; p.start(); for (var i /*: int*/ = 0; i < total; i++) { p.setBarOneProgress(i + 1, total); if (p.stopped) { break; } } } loop(); // no need for any window.setTimeout }
var classProgressDialogModeless /*: Function*/ = (function(){
function classProgressDialogModeless( config /*: Object*/ ) { this.dialog /*: Window*/; this.doc /*: HTMLDocument*/; this.config /*: Object*/; this.stopped /*: Boolean*/; this.barOneUnits /*: int*/; this.barOneTable /*: HTMLTableElement*/; this.barOneRow /*: HTMLTableRowElement*/; this.barOneLit /*: int*/; this.barOneCountField /*: HTMLParagraphElement*/; this.barOneCountFieldText /*: Text*/; this.stopButton /*: HTMLInputElement*/; this.initialise(config); } var constr /*: Function*/ = classProgressDialogModeless; var proto /*: Object*/ = ExtendClass(classProgressDialogModeless, Object);
function initialise( config /*: Object*/ ) /*: void*/ { var me /*: classProgressDialog*/ = this; var height /*: int*/; var defaults /*: Object*/; var dialogOptions /*: String*/; var doc /*: HTMLDocument*/; var style /*: CSSStyleDeclaration*/; var elm /*: HTMLElement*/; var elmInner /*: HTMLElement*/; var table /*: HTMLTableElement*/; var row /*: HTMLTableRowElement*/ var cell /*: HTMLTableCellElement*/; var text /*: Text*/; var tbody /*: HTMLTableSectionElement*/; var hr /*: HTMLHRElement*/; var times /*: int*/ = 5; // DEFAULT CONFIGURATION defaults = { width : 400, windowTitle : "Test 1 - showModelessDialog", barOneUnits : 20, stopButton : true, closeButton: true }; // DEFAULT APPLIES IF NOT SPECIFIED IN USER SUPPLIED CONFIG if (!config) { config = {}; } for (var k /*: String*/ in defaults) { if (typeof config[k] == typeof defaults[k]) { continue; } config[k] = defaults[k]; } this.config = config; // OPEN MODELESS DIALOG dialogOptions = "dialogHeight:10px; dialogWidth:" + config.width + "px; center:no; edge:raised; help:no; resizable:no; scroll:no; status:no; unadorned:no;"; this.dialog = window.showModelessDialog("046-stub.htm", this, dialogOptions); while(times--) { doc = this.dialog.document; if (doc) { break; } Sleep(200); } this.doc = doc; // STYLES var head /*: HTMLHeadElement*/ = doc.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var link /*: HTMLLinkElement*/ = doc.createElement("link"); link.type = "text/css"; link.rel = "stylesheet"; link.href = "common.css"; link.media = "screen"; head.appendChild(link); // DIALOG TITLE this.setWindowTitle(config.windowTitle); container = doc.createElement("div"); container.className = "classProgressDialogContainer"; doc.body.appendChild(container); // BAR ONE this.barOneUnits = (typeof config.barOneUnits == "number") ? Math.floor(config.barOneUnits) : 10; // BAR ONE TABLE table = doc.createElement("table"); table.className = "classProgressDialogBarOneTable"; table.style.width = config.width + "px"; table.cellPadding = "0"; table.cellSpacing = "2"; tbody = doc.createElement("tbody"); table.appendChild(tbody); row = doc.createElement("tr"); tbody.appendChild(row); for (var i /*: int*/ = 0; i < this.barOneUnits; i++) { cell = doc.createElement("td"); cell.className = "classProgressDialogBarOneCell"; row.appendChild(cell); } container.appendChild(table); this.barOneTable = table; this.barOneRow = row; this.barOneLit = 0; elm = doc.createElement("p"); elm.className = "classProgressDialogBarOneCount"; text = doc.createTextNode("0 of 0"); elm.appendChild(text); container.appendChild(elm); this.barOneCountField = elm; this.barOneCountFieldText = text; addSeparator(); // STOP BUTTON if (config.stopButton) { elm = doc.createElement("input"); elm.type = "button"; elm.className = "classProgressDialogStopButton"; container.appendChild(elm); elm.value = "Stop"; elm.onclick = function () { me.stop(); }; this.stopButton = elm; } // CLOSE BUTTON if (config.closeButton) { elm = doc.createElement("input"); elm.type = "button"; elm.className = "classProgressDialogCloseButton"; container.appendChild(elm); elm.value = "Close"; elm.onclick = function () { me.close(); }; this.closeButton = elm; } // DIMENSION WINDOW BASED ON CONTENT this.dialog.dialogWidth = container.offsetWidth + "px"; this.dialog.dialogHeight = container.offsetHeight + "px"; // START this.stopped = false; // FUNCTIONS function addSeparator() { hr = doc.createElement("hr"); container.appendChild(hr); } } AddMethod(constr, initialise);
function start() /*: void*/ { HTMLElement_AddClassName(this.stopButton, "classProgressDialogStopButtonActive"); } AddMethod(constr, start);
function setWindowTitle( s /*: String*/ ) /*: void*/ { if (!this.doc) { return; } this.doc.title = s; } AddMethod(constr, setWindowTitle);
function setBarOneProgress( progress /*: int*/, total /*: int*/ )/*: void*/ { if (this.barOneCountFieldText) { this.barOneCountFieldText.nodeValue = progress + " of " + total; } if (!this.barOneRow) { return; } var count /*: int*/ = Math.floor((progress/total) * this.barOneUnits); if (count == this.barOneLit) { return; } for (var i /*: int*/ = 0; i < count; i++) { HTMLElement_AddClassName(this.barOneRow.cells[i], "classProgressDialogBarOneCellHighlight"); } this.barOneLit = count; if (progress + 1 >= total) { HTMLElement_RemoveClassName(this.stopButton, "classProgressDialogStopButtonActive"); } } AddMethod(constr, setBarOneProgress);
function resetBarOneProgress()/*: void*/ { if (this.barOneCountFieldText) { this.barOneCountFieldText.nodeValue = "0 of 0"; } if (!this.barOneRow) { return; } for (var i /*: int*/ = 0; i < this.barOneRow.cells.length; i++) { HTMLElement_RemoveClassName(this.barOneRow.cells[i], "classProjectDialogBarOneCellHighlight"); } this.barOneLit = 0; } AddMethod(constr, resetBarOneProgress);
function close() /*: void*/ { if (!this.dialog) { return; } this.stop(); this.dialog.close(); } AddMethod(constr, close);
function stop() /*: void*/ { HTMLElement_RemoveClassName(this.stopButton, "classProgressDialogStopButtonActive"); this.stopped = true; } AddMethod(constr, stop);
return constr; })();
function Test_ShowModalDialog() { var p = new classProgressDialogModal(); p.initialise({ callFunction : loop }); function loop() { var total /*: int*/ = 10000; p.start(); for (var i /*: int*/ = 0; i < total; i++) { p.setBarOneProgress(i + 1, total); if (p.stopped) { break; } } } }
var classProgressDialogModal /*: Function*/ = (function(){
function classProgressDialogModal( config /*: Object*/ ) { this.dialog /*: Window*/; this.doc /*: HTMLDocument*/; this.config /*: Object*/; this.stopped /*: Boolean*/; this.barOneUnits /*: int*/; this.barOneTable /*: HTMLTableElement*/; this.barOneRow /*: HTMLTableRowElement*/; this.barOneLit /*: int*/; this.barOneCountField /*: HTMLParagraphElement*/; this.barOneCountFieldText /*: Text*/; this.dheight; this.dwidth; this.stopButton /*: HTMLInputElement*/; this.closeButton /*: HTMLInputElement*/; } var constr /*: Function*/ = classProgressDialogModal; var proto /*: Object*/ = ExtendClass(classProgressDialogModal, Object);
function initialise( config /*: Object*/ ) /*: void*/ { var me /*: classProgressDialog*/ = this; var height /*: int*/; var defaults /*: Object*/; var dialogOptions /*: String*/; var doc /*: HTMLDocument*/; var style /*: CSSStyleDeclaration*/; var elm /*: HTMLElement*/; var elmInner /*: HTMLElement*/; var table /*: HTMLTableElement*/; var row /*: HTMLTableRowElement*/ var cell /*: HTMLTableCellElement*/; var text /*: Text*/; var tbody /*: HTMLTableSectionElement*/; var hr /*: HTMLHRElement*/; var times /*: int*/ = 5; // DEFAULT CONFIGURATION defaults = { width : 400, windowTitle : "Test 2 - showModalDialog", barOneUnits : 20, stopButton : true, closeButton: true, callFunction : function(){} }; // DEFAULT APPLIES IF NOT SPECIFIED IN USER SUPPLIED CONFIG if (!config) { config = {}; } for (var k /*: String*/ in defaults) { if (typeof config[k] == typeof defaults[k]) { continue; } config[k] = defaults[k]; } this.config = config; // OPEN MODAL DIALOG dialogOptions = "dialogHeight:10px; dialogWidth:" + config.width + "px; center:no; edge:raised; help:no; resizable:no; scroll:no; status:no; unadorned:no;"; this.dialog = window.showModalDialog("046-modalstub.htm", this, dialogOptions); } AddMethod(constr, initialise);
function initialise2( win /*: Window*/, doc /*: HTMLDocument*/ ) /*: void*/ { var me /*: classProgressDialog*/ = this; var height /*: int*/; var defaults /*: Object*/; var dialogOptions /*: String*/; var doc /*: HTMLDocument*/; var style /*: CSSStyleDeclaration*/; var elm /*: HTMLElement*/; var elmInner /*: HTMLElement*/; var table /*: HTMLTableElement*/; var row /*: HTMLTableRowElement*/ var cell /*: HTMLTableCellElement*/; var text /*: Text*/; var tbody /*: HTMLTableSectionElement*/; var hr /*: HTMLHRElement*/; var times /*: int*/ = 5; var config = this.config; this.dialog = win; this.doc = doc; // STYLES var head /*: HTMLHeadElement*/ = doc.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var link /*: HTMLLinkElement*/ = doc.createElement("link"); link.type = "text/css"; link.rel = "stylesheet"; link.href = "common.css"; link.media = "screen"; head.appendChild(link); // DIALOG TITLE this.setWindowTitle(config.windowTitle); container = doc.createElement("div"); container.className = "classProgressDialogContainer"; doc.body.appendChild(container); // BAR ONE this.barOneUnits = (typeof config.barOneUnits == "number") ? Math.floor(config.barOneUnits) : 10; // BAR ONE TABLE table = doc.createElement("table"); table.className = "classProgressDialogBarOneTable"; table.style.width = config.width + "px"; table.cellPadding = "0"; table.cellSpacing = "2"; tbody = doc.createElement("tbody"); table.appendChild(tbody); row = doc.createElement("tr"); tbody.appendChild(row); for (var i /*: int*/ = 0; i < this.barOneUnits; i++) { cell = doc.createElement("td"); cell.className = "classProgressDialogBarOneCell"; row.appendChild(cell); } container.appendChild(table); this.barOneTable = table; this.barOneRow = row; this.barOneLit = 0; elm = doc.createElement("p"); elm.className = "classProgressDialogBarOneCount"; text = doc.createTextNode("0 of 0"); elm.appendChild(text); container.appendChild(elm); this.barOneCountField = elm; this.barOneCountFieldText = text; addSeparator(); // STOP BUTTON if (config.stopButton) { elm = doc.createElement("input"); elm.type = "button"; elm.className = "classProgressDialogStopButton"; container.appendChild(elm); elm.value = "Stop"; elm.onclick = function () { me.stop(); }; this.stopButton = elm; } // CLOSE BUTTON if (config.closeButton) { elm = doc.createElement("input"); elm.type = "button"; elm.className = "classProgressDialogCloseButton"; container.appendChild(elm); elm.value = "Close"; elm.onclick = function () { me.close(); }; this.closeButton = elm; } // DIMENSION WINDOW BASED ON CONTENT this.dialog.dialogWidth = container.offsetWidth + "px"; this.dialog.dialogHeight = container.offsetHeight + "px"; this.dheight = this.dialog.dialogHeight; this.dwidth = this.dialog.dialogWidth; // START this.stopped = false; // does not work if (this.config.callFunction) { win.setTimeout(function(){me.config.callFunction()}, 200); } // FUNCTIONS function addSeparator() { hr = doc.createElement("hr"); container.appendChild(hr); } } AddMethod(constr, initialise2);
function start() /*: void*/ { HTMLElement_AddClassName(this.stopButton, "classProgressDialogStopButtonActive"); } AddMethod(constr, start);
function setWindowTitle( s /*: String*/ ) /*: void*/ { if (!this.doc) { return; } this.doc.title = s; } AddMethod(constr, setWindowTitle);
function setBarOneProgress( progress /*: int*/, total /*: int*/ )/*: void*/ { //this.dialog.dialogHeight = this.dheight; //this.dialog.dialogWidth = this.dwidth; if (this.barOneCountFieldText) { this.barOneCountFieldText.nodeValue = progress + " of " + total; } if (!this.barOneRow) { return; } var count /*: int*/ = Math.floor((progress/total) * this.barOneUnits); if (count == this.barOneLit) { return; } for (var i /*: int*/ = 0; i < count; i++) { HTMLElement_AddClassName(this.barOneRow.cells[i], "classProgressDialogBarOneCellHighlight"); } this.barOneLit = count; if (progress + 1 >= total) { HTMLElement_RemoveClassName(this.stopButton, "classProgressDialogStopButtonActive"); } } AddMethod(constr, setBarOneProgress);
function resetBarOneProgress()/*: void*/ { if (this.barOneCountFieldText) { this.barOneCountFieldText.nodeValue = "0 of 0"; } if (!this.barOneRow) { return; } for (var i /*: int*/ = 0; i < this.barOneRow.cells.length; i++) { HTMLElement_RemoveClassName(this.barOneRow.cells[i], "classProjectDialogBarOneCellHighlight"); } this.barOneLit = 0; } AddMethod(constr, resetBarOneProgress);
function close( timeout /*: int*/ ) /*: void*/ { if (!this.dialog) { return; } this.stop(); if (typeof timeout == "number") { var me /*: classProgressDialog*/ = this; window.setTimeout(function(){ me.dialog.close(); }, timeout); } else { this.dialog.close(); } } AddMethod(constr, close);
function stop() /*: void*/ { HTMLElement_RemoveClassName(this.stopButton, "classProgressDialogStopButtonActive"); this.stopped = true; } AddMethod(constr, stop);
return constr; })();
function Test_WindowOpen_IE() { var p = new classProgressDialogOpenIE(); function loop() { var total /*: int*/ = 10000; p.start(); for (var i /*: int*/ = 0; i < total; i++) { p.setBarOneProgress(i + 1, total); if (p.stopped) { break; } } } window.setTimeout(loop, 500); }
var classProgressDialogOpenIE /*: Function*/ = (function(){
function classProgressDialogOpenIE( config /*: Object*/ ) { this.dialog /*: Window*/; this.doc /*: HTMLDocument*/; this.config /*: Object*/; this.stopped /*: Boolean*/; this.barOneUnits /*: int*/; this.barOneTable /*: HTMLTableElement*/; this.barOneRow /*: HTMLTableRowElement*/; this.barOneLit /*: int*/; this.barOneCountField /*: HTMLParagraphElement*/; this.barOneCountFieldText /*: Text*/; this.stopButton /*: HTMLInputElement*/; this.closeButton /*: HTMLInputElement*/; this.initialise(config); } var constr /*: Function*/ = classProgressDialogOpenIE; var proto /*: Object*/ = ExtendClass(classProgressDialogOpenIE, Object);
function initialise( config /*: Object*/ ) /*: void*/ { var me /*: classProgressDialog*/ = this; var height /*: int*/; var defaults /*: Object*/; var dialogOptions /*: String*/; var doc /*: HTMLDocument*/; var style /*: CSSStyleDeclaration*/; var elm /*: HTMLElement*/; var elmInner /*: HTMLElement*/; var table /*: HTMLTableElement*/; var row /*: HTMLTableRowElement*/ var cell /*: HTMLTableCellElement*/; var text /*: Text*/; var tbody /*: HTMLTableSectionElement*/; var hr /*: HTMLHRElement*/; var times /*: int*/ = 5; // DEFAULT CONFIGURATION defaults = { width : 400, windowTitle : "Test 3 - window.open (IE)", barOneUnits : 20, stopButton : true, closeButton: true }; // DEFAULT APPLIES IF NOT SPECIFIED IN USER SUPPLIED CONFIG if (!config) { config = {}; } for (var k /*: String*/ in defaults) { if (typeof config[k] == typeof defaults[k]) { continue; } config[k] = defaults[k]; } this.config = config; // OPEN MODELESS DIALOG dialogOptions = "height=100,width=" + config.width + ",menubar=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,location=no,status=no,chrome=no,dependent=no,dialog=no,directories=no,titlebar=no,close=no"; this.dialog = window.open("046-stub.htm", "TestWindow", dialogOptions); while(times--) { doc = this.dialog.document; if (doc) { break; } Sleep(200); } this.doc = doc; // STYLES var head /*: HTMLHeadElement*/ = doc.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var link /*: HTMLLinkElement*/ = doc.createElement("link"); link.type = "text/css"; link.rel = "stylesheet"; link.href = "common.css"; link.media = "screen"; head.appendChild(link); // DIALOG TITLE this.setWindowTitle(config.windowTitle); container = doc.createElement("div"); container.className = "classProgressDialogContainer"; doc.body.appendChild(container); // BAR ONE this.barOneUnits = (typeof config.barOneUnits == "number") ? Math.floor(config.barOneUnits) : 10; // BAR ONE TABLE table = doc.createElement("table"); table.className = "classProgressDialogBarOneTable"; table.style.width = config.width + "px"; table.cellPadding = "0"; table.cellSpacing = "2"; tbody = doc.createElement("tbody"); table.appendChild(tbody); row = doc.createElement("tr"); tbody.appendChild(row); for (var i /*: int*/ = 0; i < this.barOneUnits; i++) { cell = doc.createElement("td"); cell.className = "classProgressDialogBarOneCell"; row.appendChild(cell); } container.appendChild(table); this.barOneTable = table; this.barOneRow = row; this.barOneLit = 0; elm = doc.createElement("p"); elm.className = "classProgressDialogBarOneCount"; text = doc.createTextNode("0 of 0"); elm.appendChild(text); container.appendChild(elm); this.barOneCountField = elm; this.barOneCountFieldText = text; addSeparator(); // STOP BUTTON if (config.stopButton) { elm = doc.createElement("input"); elm.type = "button"; elm.className = "classProgressDialogStopButton"; container.appendChild(elm); elm.value = "Stop"; elm.onclick = function () { me.stop(); }; this.stopButton = elm; } // CLOSE BUTTON if (config.closeButton) { elm = doc.createElement("input"); elm.type = "button"; elm.className = "classProgressDialogCloseButton"; container.appendChild(elm); elm.value = "Close"; elm.onclick = function () { me.close(); }; this.closeButton = elm; } // DIMENSION WINDOW BASED ON CONTENT this.dialog.dialogWidth = container.offsetWidth + "px"; this.dialog.dialogHeight = container.offsetHeight + "px"; // START this.stopped = false; // FUNCTIONS function addSeparator() { hr = doc.createElement("hr"); container.appendChild(hr); } } AddMethod(constr, initialise);
function start() /*: void*/ { HTMLElement_AddClassName(this.stopButton, "classProgressDialogStopButtonActive"); } AddMethod(constr, start);
function setWindowTitle( s /*: String*/ ) /*: void*/ { if (!this.doc) { return; } this.doc.title = s; } AddMethod(constr, setWindowTitle);
function setBarOneProgress( progress /*: int*/, total /*: int*/ )/*: void*/ { if (this.barOneCountFieldText) { this.barOneCountFieldText.nodeValue = progress + " of " + total; } if (!this.barOneRow) { return; } var count /*: int*/ = Math.floor((progress/total) * this.barOneUnits); if (count == this.barOneLit) { return; } for (var i /*: int*/ = 0; i < count; i++) { HTMLElement_AddClassName(this.barOneRow.cells[i], "classProgressDialogBarOneCellHighlight"); } this.barOneLit = count; if (progress + 1 >= total) { HTMLElement_RemoveClassName(this.stopButton, "classProgressDialogStopButtonActive"); } } AddMethod(constr, setBarOneProgress);
function resetBarOneProgress()/*: void*/ { if (this.barOneCountFieldText) { this.barOneCountFieldText.nodeValue = "0 of 0"; } if (!this.barOneRow) { return; } for (var i /*: int*/ = 0; i < this.barOneRow.cells.length; i++) { HTMLElement_RemoveClassName(this.barOneRow.cells[i], "classProjectDialogBarOneCellHighlight"); } this.barOneLit = 0; } AddMethod(constr, resetBarOneProgress);
function close( timeout /*: int*/ ) /*: void*/ { if (!this.dialog) { return; } this.stop(); if (typeof timeout == "number") { var me /*: classProgressDialog*/ = this; window.setTimeout(function(){ me.dialog.close(); }, timeout); } else { this.dialog.close(); } } AddMethod(constr, close);
function stop() /*: void*/ { HTMLElement_RemoveClassName(this.stopButton, "classProgressDialogStopButtonActive"); this.stopped = true; } AddMethod(constr, stop);
return constr; })();
function Test_WindowOpen_Others() { var p = new classProgressDialogOpenOthers(); window.setTimeout(init, 200); function init() { p.initialise2(); window.setTimeout(loop,200); } function loop() { var total /*: int*/ = 10000; p.start(); for (var i /*: int*/ = 0; i < total; i++) { p.setBarOneProgress(i + 1, total); if (p.stopped) { break; } } } }
var classProgressDialogOpenOthers /*: Function*/ = (function(){
function classProgressDialogOpenOthers( config /*: Object*/ ) { this.dialog /*: Window*/; this.doc /*: HTMLDocument*/; this.config /*: Object*/; this.stopped /*: Boolean*/; this.barOneUnits /*: int*/; this.barOneTable /*: HTMLTableElement*/; this.barOneRow /*: HTMLTableRowElement*/; this.barOneLit /*: int*/; this.barOneCountField /*: HTMLParagraphElement*/; this.barOneCountFieldText /*: Text*/; this.stopButton /*: HTMLInputElement*/; this.closeButton /*: HTMLInputElement*/; this.initialise(config); } var constr /*: Function*/ = classProgressDialogOpenOthers; var proto /*: Object*/ = ExtendClass(classProgressDialogOpenOthers, Object);
function initialise( config /*: Object*/ ) /*: void*/ { var me /*: classProgressDialog*/ = this; var height /*: int*/; var defaults /*: Object*/; var dialogOptions /*: String*/; var doc /*: HTMLDocument*/; var style /*: CSSStyleDeclaration*/; var elm /*: HTMLElement*/; var elmInner /*: HTMLElement*/; var table /*: HTMLTableElement*/; var row /*: HTMLTableRowElement*/ var cell /*: HTMLTableCellElement*/; var text /*: Text*/; var tbody /*: HTMLTableSectionElement*/; var hr /*: HTMLHRElement*/; var times /*: int*/ = 5; // DEFAULT CONFIGURATION defaults = { width : 400, windowTitle : "Test 3 - window.open (Others)", barOneUnits : 20, stopButton : true, closeButton: true }; // DEFAULT APPLIES IF NOT SPECIFIED IN USER SUPPLIED CONFIG if (!config) { config = {}; } for (var k /*: String*/ in defaults) { if (typeof config[k] == typeof defaults[k]) { continue; } config[k] = defaults[k]; } this.config = config; // OPEN MODELESS DIALOG dialogOptions = "height=100,width=" + config.width + ",menubar=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,location=no,status=no,chrome=no,dependent=no,dialog=no,directories=no,titlebar=no,close=no"; this.dialog = window.open("046-stub.htm", "TestWindow", dialogOptions); } AddMethod(constr, initialise);
function initialise2( config /*: Object*/ ) /*: void*/ { var me /*: classProgressDialog*/ = this; var height /*: int*/; var defaults /*: Object*/; var dialogOptions /*: String*/; var doc /*: HTMLDocument*/; var style /*: CSSStyleDeclaration*/; var elm /*: HTMLElement*/; var elmInner /*: HTMLElement*/; var table /*: HTMLTableElement*/; var row /*: HTMLTableRowElement*/ var cell /*: HTMLTableCellElement*/; var text /*: Text*/; var tbody /*: HTMLTableSectionElement*/; var hr /*: HTMLHRElement*/; var times /*: int*/ = 5; var config /*: Object*/ = this.config; doc = this.doc = this.dialog.document; // STYLES var head /*: HTMLHeadElement*/ = doc.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var link /*: HTMLLinkElement*/ = doc.createElement("link"); link.type = "text/css"; link.rel = "stylesheet"; link.href = "common.css"; link.media = "screen"; head.appendChild(link); // DIALOG TITLE this.setWindowTitle(config.windowTitle); container = doc.createElement("div"); container.className = "classProgressDialogContainer"; doc.body.appendChild(container); // BAR ONE this.barOneUnits = (typeof config.barOneUnits == "number") ? Math.floor(config.barOneUnits) : 10; // BAR ONE TABLE table = doc.createElement("table"); table.className = "classProgressDialogBarOneTable"; table.style.width = config.width + "px"; table.cellPadding = "0"; table.cellSpacing = "2"; tbody = doc.createElement("tbody"); table.appendChild(tbody); row = doc.createElement("tr"); tbody.appendChild(row); for (var i /*: int*/ = 0; i < this.barOneUnits; i++) { cell = doc.createElement("td"); cell.className = "classProgressDialogBarOneCell"; row.appendChild(cell); } container.appendChild(table); this.barOneTable = table; this.barOneRow = row; this.barOneLit = 0; elm = doc.createElement("p"); elm.className = "classProgressDialogBarOneCount"; text = doc.createTextNode("0 of 0"); elm.appendChild(text); container.appendChild(elm); this.barOneCountField = elm; this.barOneCountFieldText = text; addSeparator(); // STOP BUTTON if (config.stopButton) { elm = doc.createElement("input"); elm.type = "button"; elm.className = "classProgressDialogStopButton"; container.appendChild(elm); elm.value = "Stop"; elm.onclick = function () { me.stop(); }; this.stopButton = elm; } // CLOSE BUTTON if (config.closeButton) { elm = doc.createElement("input"); elm.type = "button"; elm.className = "classProgressDialogCloseButton"; container.appendChild(elm); elm.value = "Close"; elm.onclick = function () { me.close(); }; this.closeButton = elm; } // DIMENSION WINDOW BASED ON CONTENT this.dialog.dialogWidth = container.offsetWidth + "px"; this.dialog.dialogHeight = container.offsetHeight + "px"; // START this.stopped = false; // FUNCTIONS function addSeparator() { hr = doc.createElement("hr"); container.appendChild(hr); } } AddMethod(constr, initialise2);
function start() /*: void*/ { HTMLElement_AddClassName(this.stopButton, "classProgressDialogStopButtonActive"); } AddMethod(constr, start);
function setWindowTitle( s /*: String*/ ) /*: void*/ { if (!this.doc) { return; } this.doc.title = s; } AddMethod(constr, setWindowTitle);
function setBarOneProgress( progress /*: int*/, total /*: int*/ )/*: void*/ { if (this.barOneCountFieldText) { this.barOneCountFieldText.nodeValue = progress + " of " + total; } if (!this.barOneRow) { return; } var count /*: int*/ = Math.floor((progress/total) * this.barOneUnits); if (count == this.barOneLit) { return; } for (var i /*: int*/ = 0; i < count; i++) { HTMLElement_AddClassName(this.barOneRow.cells[i], "classProgressDialogBarOneCellHighlight"); } this.barOneLit = count; if (progress + 1 >= total) { HTMLElement_RemoveClassName(this.stopButton, "classProgressDialogStopButtonActive"); } } AddMethod(constr, setBarOneProgress);
function resetBarOneProgress()/*: void*/ { if (this.barOneCountFieldText) { this.barOneCountFieldText.nodeValue = "0 of 0"; } if (!this.barOneRow) { return; } for (var i /*: int*/ = 0; i < this.barOneRow.cells.length; i++) { HTMLElement_RemoveClassName(this.barOneRow.cells[i], "classProjectDialogBarOneCellHighlight"); } this.barOneLit = 0; } AddMethod(constr, resetBarOneProgress);
function close( timeout /*: int*/ ) /*: void*/ { if (!this.dialog) { return; } this.stop(); if (typeof timeout == "number") { var me /*: classProgressDialog*/ = this; window.setTimeout(function(){ me.dialog.close(); }, timeout); } else { this.dialog.close(); } } AddMethod(constr, close);
function stop() /*: void*/ { HTMLElement_RemoveClassName(this.stopButton, "classProgressDialogStopButtonActive"); this.stopped = true; } AddMethod(constr, stop);
return constr; })();
function Test_Iframe() { var p = new classProgressDialogIframe({iframeId:"test4iframe"}); function loop() { var total /*: int*/ = 10000; p.start(); for (var i /*: int*/ = 0; i < total; i++) { p.setBarOneProgress(i + 1, total); if (p.stopped) { break; } } } window.setTimeout(loop,15); }
var classProgressDialogIframe /*: Function*/ = (function(){
function classProgressDialogIframe( config /*: Object*/ ) { this.iframe /*: HTMLIFrameElement*/; this.dialog /*: Window*/; this.doc /*: HTMLDocument*/; this.config /*: Object*/; this.stopped /*: Boolean*/; this.barOneUnits /*: int*/; this.barOneTable /*: HTMLTableElement*/; this.barOneRow /*: HTMLTableRowElement*/; this.barOneLit /*: int*/; this.barOneCountField /*: HTMLParagraphElement*/; this.barOneCountFieldText /*: Text*/; this.stopButton /*: HTMLInputElement*/; this.closeButton /*: HTMLInputElement*/; this.initialise(config); } var constr /*: Function*/ = classProgressDialogIframe; var proto /*: Object*/ = ExtendClass(classProgressDialogIframe, Object);
function initialise( config /*: Object*/ ) /*: void*/ { var me /*: classProgressDialog*/ = this; var height /*: int*/; var defaults /*: Object*/; var dialogOptions /*: String*/; var doc /*: HTMLDocument*/; var style /*: CSSStyleDeclaration*/; var elm /*: HTMLElement*/; var elmInner /*: HTMLElement*/; var table /*: HTMLTableElement*/; var row /*: HTMLTableRowElement*/ var cell /*: HTMLTableCellElement*/; var text /*: Text*/; var tbody /*: HTMLTableSectionElement*/; var hr /*: HTMLHRElement*/; var times /*: int*/ = 5; // DEFAULT CONFIGURATION defaults = { width : 400, windowTitle : "Test 1 - showModelessDialog", barOneUnits : 20, stopButton : true }; // DEFAULT APPLIES IF NOT SPECIFIED IN USER SUPPLIED CONFIG if (!config) { config = {}; } for (var k /*: String*/ in defaults) { if (typeof config[k] == typeof defaults[k]) { continue; } config[k] = defaults[k]; } this.config = config; // GET IFRAME this.iframe = document.getElementById(config.iframeId); this.iframe.style.borderWidth = 0; this.dialog = (document.frames && document.frames[config.iframeId]) || (window.frames && window.frames[config.iframeId]) || (this.iframe && this.iframe.contentWindow) || (this.iframe.contentDocument && (this.iframe.contentDocument.parentWindow || this.iframe.contentDocument.defaultView || this.iframe.contentDocument.contentWindow)); while(times--) { doc = this.dialog.document || this.iframe.contentDocument; if (doc) { break; } Sleep(200); } this.doc = doc; // STYLES var head /*: HTMLHeadElement*/ = doc.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var link /*: HTMLLinkElement*/ = doc.createElement("link"); link.type = "text/css"; link.rel = "stylesheet"; link.href = "common.css"; link.media = "screen"; head.appendChild(link); // DIALOG TITLE container = doc.createElement("div"); container.className = "classProgressDialogContainer"; doc.body.appendChild(container); container.style.width = config.width + "px"; // BAR ONE this.barOneUnits = (typeof config.barOneUnits == "number") ? Math.floor(config.barOneUnits) : 10; // BAR ONE TABLE table = doc.createElement("table"); table.className = "classProgressDialogBarOneTable"; table.style.width = config.width + "px"; table.cellPadding = "0"; table.cellSpacing = "2"; tbody = doc.createElement("tbody"); table.appendChild(tbody); row = doc.createElement("tr"); tbody.appendChild(row); for (var i /*: int*/ = 0; i < this.barOneUnits; i++) { cell = doc.createElement("td"); cell.className = "classProgressDialogBarOneCell"; row.appendChild(cell); } container.appendChild(table); this.barOneTable = table; this.barOneRow = row; this.barOneLit = 0; elm = doc.createElement("p"); elm.className = "classProgressDialogBarOneCount"; text = doc.createTextNode("0 of 0"); elm.appendChild(text); container.appendChild(elm); this.barOneCountField = elm; this.barOneCountFieldText = text; addSeparator(); // STOP BUTTON if (config.stopButton) { elm = doc.createElement("input"); elm.type = "button"; elm.className = "classProgressDialogStopButton"; container.appendChild(elm); elm.value = "Stop"; elm.onclick = function () { me.stop(); }; this.stopButton = elm; } // DIMENSION WINDOW BASED ON CONTENT this.iframe.style.width = (container.offsetWidth + 20) + "px"; this.iframe.style.height = (container.offsetHeight + 20) + "px"; // START this.stopped = false; // FUNCTIONS function addSeparator() { hr = doc.createElement("hr"); container.appendChild(hr); } } AddMethod(constr, initialise);
function start() /*: void*/ { HTMLElement_AddClassName(this.stopButton, "classProgressDialogStopButtonActive"); } AddMethod(constr, start);
function setBarOneProgress( progress /*: int*/, total /*: int*/ )/*: void*/ { //this.dialog.dialogHeight = this.dheight; //this.dialog.dialogWidth = this.dwidth; if (this.barOneCountFieldText) { this.barOneCountFieldText.nodeValue = progress + " of " + total; } if (!this.barOneRow) { return; } var count /*: int*/ = Math.floor((progress/total) * this.barOneUnits); if (count == this.barOneLit) { return; } for (var i /*: int*/ = 0; i < count; i++) { HTMLElement_AddClassName(this.barOneRow.cells[i], "classProgressDialogBarOneCellHighlight"); } this.barOneLit = count; if (progress + 1 >= total) { HTMLElement_RemoveClassName(this.stopButton, "classProgressDialogStopButtonActive"); } } AddMethod(constr, setBarOneProgress);
function resetBarOneProgress()/*: void*/ { if (this.barOneCountFieldText) { this.barOneCountFieldText.nodeValue = "0 of 0"; } if (!this.barOneRow) { return; } for (var i /*: int*/ = 0; i < this.barOneRow.cells.length; i++) { HTMLElement_RemoveClassName(this.barOneRow.cells[i], "classProjectDialogBarOneCellHighlight"); } this.barOneLit = 0; } AddMethod(constr, resetBarOneProgress);
function stop() /*: void*/ { HTMLElement_RemoveClassName(this.stopButton, "classProgressDialogStopButtonActive"); this.stopped = true; } AddMethod(constr, stop);
return constr; })();
function Test_Continuation() { var p = new classProgressDialogContinuation(); p.initialise({ divId : "test5div", width : 400, barOneUnits : 20, stopButton : true }); var state /*: Object*/ = {}; state.progress = p; Continuation_Run(1,10000,500,100,loop1, afterLoop1,state); function loop1(i, total, state) { state.progress.setBarOneProgress(i, total); if (state.progress.stopped) { return true; } return false; } function afterLoop1(state) { state.progress.resetBarOneProgress(); Continuation_Run(1,5000,500,100,loop2,afterLoop2,state); } function loop2(i, total, state) { state.progress.setBarOneProgress(i, total); if (state.progress.stopped) { return true; } return false; } function afterLoop2(state) { alert("Done"); } } function Continuation_Run( start /*: int*/, end /*: int*/, chunk /*: int*/, timeout /*: int*/, iteration /*: Function*/, after /*: Function*/, state /*: Object*/ ) /*: void*/ { var at /*: int*/ = start; var stop /*: Boolean*/; window.setTimeout(loopChunk, timeout); function loopChunk() { if (at > end) { window.setTimeout(function(){ after(state); }, timeout); return; } for (var i /*: int*/ = at; i <= end, i < at + chunk; i++) { stop = iteration(i, end, state); if (stop) { return; } } at = at + chunk; if (at >= end) { window.setTimeout(function(){ after(state); }, 15); } else { window.setTimeout(loopChunk,timeout); } } }
function Test_Continuation_ZeroTimeout() { var p = new classProgressDialogContinuation(); p.initialise({ divId : "test5div", width : 400, barOneUnits : 20, stopButton : true }); var state /*: Object*/ = {}; state.progress = p; Continuation_Run_ZeroTimeout(1,10000,500,100,loop1, afterLoop1,state); function loop1(i, total, state) { state.progress.setBarOneProgress(i, total); if (state.progress.stopped) { return true; } return false; } function afterLoop1(state) { alert("Done Loop 1"); state.progress.resetBarOneProgress(); Continuation_Run_ZeroTimeout(1,5000,500,100,loop2,afterLoop2,state); } function loop2(i, total, state) { state.progress.setBarOneProgress(i, total); if (state.progress.stopped) { return true; } return false; } function afterLoop2(state) { alert("Done Loop 2"); } } function Continuation_Run_ZeroTimeout( start /*: int*/, end /*: int*/, chunk /*: int*/, timeout /*: int*/, iteration /*: Function*/, after /*: Function*/, state /*: Object*/ ) /*: void*/ { var at /*: int*/ = start; var stop /*: Boolean*/; ZeroTimeout(loopChunk); function loopChunk() { if (at > end) { ZeroTimeout(function(){ after(state); }); return; } for (var i /*: int*/ = at; i <= end, i < at + chunk; i++) { stop = iteration(i, end, state); if (stop) { return; } } at = at + chunk; if (at >= end) { ZeroTimeout(function(){ after(state); }); } else { ZeroTimeout(loopChunk); } } }
var classProgressDialogContinuation /*: Function*/ = (function(){
function classProgressDialogContinuation( config /*: Object*/ ) { this.panel /*: HTMLDivElement*/; this.config /*: Object*/; this.stopped /*: Boolean*/; this.barOneUnits /*: int*/; this.barOneTable /*: HTMLTableElement*/; this.barOneRow /*: HTMLTableRowElement*/; this.barOneLit /*: int*/; this.barOneCountField /*: HTMLParagraphElement*/; this.barOneCountFieldText /*: Text*/; this.stopButton /*: HTMLInputElement*/; } var constr /*: Function*/ = classProgressDialogContinuation; var proto /*: Object*/ = ExtendClass(classProgressDialogContinuation, Object);
function initialise( config /*: Object*/ ) /*: void*/ { var me /*: classProgressDialog*/ = this; var height /*: int*/; var defaults /*: Object*/; var dialogOptions /*: String*/; var doc /*: HTMLDocument*/; var style /*: CSSStyleDeclaration*/; var elm /*: HTMLElement*/; var elmInner /*: HTMLElement*/; var table /*: HTMLTableElement*/; var row /*: HTMLTableRowElement*/ var cell /*: HTMLTableCellElement*/; var text /*: Text*/; var tbody /*: HTMLTableSectionElement*/; var hr /*: HTMLHRElement*/; var times /*: int*/ = 5; // DEFAULT CONFIGURATION defaults = { width : 200, barOneUnits : 10, stopButton : true }; // DEFAULT APPLIES IF NOT SPECIFIED IN USER SUPPLIED CONFIG if (!config) { config = {}; } for (var k /*: String*/ in defaults) { if (typeof config[k] == typeof defaults[k]) { continue; } config[k] = defaults[k]; } this.config = config; // GET IFRAME this.panel = document.getElementById(config.divId); this.panel.innerHTML = ""; var doc = this.doc = document; // DIALOG TITLE container = doc.createElement("div"); container.className = "classProgressDialogContainer"; this.panel.appendChild(container); container.style.width = config.width + "px"; // BAR ONE this.barOneUnits = (typeof config.barOneUnits == "number") ? Math.floor(config.barOneUnits) : 10; // BAR ONE TABLE table = doc.createElement("table"); table.className = "classProgressDialogBarOneTable"; table.style.width = config.width + "px"; table.cellPadding = "0"; table.cellSpacing = "2"; tbody = doc.createElement("tbody"); table.appendChild(tbody); row = doc.createElement("tr"); tbody.appendChild(row); for (var i /*: int*/ = 0; i < this.barOneUnits; i++) { cell = doc.createElement("td"); cell.className = "classProgressDialogBarOneCell"; row.appendChild(cell); } container.appendChild(table); this.barOneTable = table; this.barOneRow = row; this.barOneLit = 0; elm = doc.createElement("p"); elm.className = "classProgressDialogBarOneCount"; text = doc.createTextNode("0 of 0"); elm.appendChild(text); container.appendChild(elm); this.barOneCountField = elm; this.barOneCountFieldText = text; addSeparator(); // STOP BUTTON if (config.stopButton) { elm = doc.createElement("input"); elm.type = "button"; elm.className = "classProgressDialogStopButton"; container.appendChild(elm); elm.value = "Stop"; elm.onclick = function () { me.stop(); }; this.stopButton = elm; } // DIMENSION WINDOW BASED ON CONTENT this.panel.style.width = (container.offsetWidth + 20) + "px"; this.panel.style.height = (container.offsetHeight + 20) + "px"; // START this.stopped = false; // FUNCTIONS function addSeparator() { hr = doc.createElement("hr"); container.appendChild(hr); } } AddMethod(constr, initialise);
function start() /*: void*/ { HTMLElement_AddClassName(this.stopButton, "classProgressDialogStopButtonActive"); } AddMethod(constr, start);
function setBarOneProgress( progress /*: int*/, total /*: int*/ )/*: void*/ { //this.dialog.dialogHeight = this.dheight; //this.dialog.dialogWidth = this.dwidth; if (this.barOneCountFieldText) { this.barOneCountFieldText.nodeValue = progress + " of " + total; } if (!this.barOneRow) { return; } var count /*: int*/ = Math.floor((progress/total) * this.barOneUnits); if (count == this.barOneLit) { return; } for (var i /*: int*/ = 0; i < count; i++) { HTMLElement_AddClassName(this.barOneRow.cells[i], "classProgressDialogBarOneCellHighlight"); } this.barOneLit = count; if (progress + 1 >= total) { HTMLElement_RemoveClassName(this.stopButton, "classProgressDialogStopButtonActive"); } } AddMethod(constr, setBarOneProgress);
function resetBarOneProgress()/*: void*/ { if (this.barOneCountFieldText) { this.barOneCountFieldText.nodeValue = "0 of 0"; } if (!this.barOneRow) { return; } for (var i /*: int*/ = 0; i < this.barOneRow.cells.length; i++) { HTMLElement_RemoveClassName(this.barOneRow.cells[i], "classProgressDialogBarOneCellHighlight"); } this.barOneLit = 0; } AddMethod(constr, resetBarOneProgress);
function stop() /*: void*/ { HTMLElement_RemoveClassName(this.stopButton, "classProgressDialogStopButtonActive"); this.stopped = true; } AddMethod(constr, stop);
return constr; })();
function Test_Worker() { var p = new classProgressDialogWorker(); p.initialise({ divId : "test6div", width : 400, barOneUnits : 20, stopButton : true }); var worker = new Worker("run.js"); worker.onmessage = function(event){ var data /*: Object*/ = event.data; if (data.type == "Progress") { p.setBarOneProgress(data.i, data.total); if (p.stopped) { worker.postMessage( {type : "Stop"} ); } } if (data.type == "Done") { alert("Done"); } }; worker.postMessage( { type:"CompleteLoop" } ); }
var classProgressDialogWorker /*: Function*/ = (function(){
function classProgressDialogWorker( config /*: Object*/ ) { this.panel /*: HTMLDivElement*/; this.config /*: Object*/; this.stopped /*: Boolean*/; this.barOneUnits /*: int*/; this.barOneTable /*: HTMLTableElement*/; this.barOneRow /*: HTMLTableRowElement*/; this.barOneLit /*: int*/; this.barOneCountField /*: HTMLParagraphElement*/; this.barOneCountFieldText /*: Text*/; this.stopButton /*: HTMLInputElement*/; } var constr /*: Function*/ = classProgressDialogWorker; var proto /*: Object*/ = ExtendClass(classProgressDialogWorker, Object);
function initialise( config /*: Object*/ ) /*: void*/ { var me /*: classProgressDialog*/ = this; var height /*: int*/; var defaults /*: Object*/; var dialogOptions /*: String*/; var doc /*: HTMLDocument*/; var style /*: CSSStyleDeclaration*/; var elm /*: HTMLElement*/; var elmInner /*: HTMLElement*/; var table /*: HTMLTableElement*/; var row /*: HTMLTableRowElement*/ var cell /*: HTMLTableCellElement*/; var text /*: Text*/; var tbody /*: HTMLTableSectionElement*/; var hr /*: HTMLHRElement*/; var times /*: int*/ = 5; // DEFAULT CONFIGURATION defaults = { width : 200, barOneUnits : 10, stopButton : true }; // DEFAULT APPLIES IF NOT SPECIFIED IN USER SUPPLIED CONFIG if (!config) { config = {}; } for (var k /*: String*/ in defaults) { if (typeof config[k] == typeof defaults[k]) { continue; } config[k] = defaults[k]; } this.config = config; // GET IFRAME this.panel = document.getElementById(config.divId); this.panel.innerHTML = ""; var doc = this.doc = document; // DIALOG TITLE container = doc.createElement("div"); container.className = "classProgressDialogContainer"; this.panel.appendChild(container); container.style.width = config.width + "px"; // BAR ONE this.barOneUnits = (typeof config.barOneUnits == "number") ? Math.floor(config.barOneUnits) : 10; // BAR ONE TABLE table = doc.createElement("table"); table.className = "classProgressDialogBarOneTable"; table.style.width = config.width + "px"; table.cellPadding = "0"; table.cellSpacing = "2"; tbody = doc.createElement("tbody"); table.appendChild(tbody); row = doc.createElement("tr"); tbody.appendChild(row); for (var i /*: int*/ = 0; i < this.barOneUnits; i++) { cell = doc.createElement("td"); cell.className = "classProgressDialogBarOneCell"; row.appendChild(cell); } container.appendChild(table); this.barOneTable = table; this.barOneRow = row; this.barOneLit = 0; elm = doc.createElement("p"); elm.className = "classProgressDialogBarOneCount"; text = doc.createTextNode("0 of 0"); elm.appendChild(text); container.appendChild(elm); this.barOneCountField = elm; this.barOneCountFieldText = text; addSeparator(); // STOP BUTTON if (config.stopButton) { elm = doc.createElement("input"); elm.type = "button"; elm.className = "classProgressDialogStopButton"; container.appendChild(elm); elm.value = "Stop"; elm.onclick = function () { me.stop(); }; this.stopButton = elm; } // DIMENSION WINDOW BASED ON CONTENT this.panel.style.width = (container.offsetWidth + 20) + "px"; this.panel.style.height = (container.offsetHeight + 20) + "px"; // START this.stopped = false; // FUNCTIONS function addSeparator() { hr = doc.createElement("hr"); container.appendChild(hr); } } AddMethod(constr, initialise);
function start() /*: void*/ { HTMLElement_AddClassName(this.stopButton, "classProgressDialogStopButtonActive"); } AddMethod(constr, start);
function setBarOneProgress( progress /*: int*/, total /*: int*/ )/*: void*/ { //this.dialog.dialogHeight = this.dheight; //this.dialog.dialogWidth = this.dwidth; if (this.barOneCountFieldText) { this.barOneCountFieldText.nodeValue = progress + " of " + total; } if (!this.barOneRow) { return; } var count /*: int*/ = Math.floor((progress/total) * this.barOneUnits); if (count == this.barOneLit) { return; } for (var i /*: int*/ = 0; i < count; i++) { HTMLElement_AddClassName(this.barOneRow.cells[i], "classProgressDialogBarOneCellHighlight"); } this.barOneLit = count; if (progress + 1 >= total) { HTMLElement_RemoveClassName(this.stopButton, "classProgressDialogStopButtonActive"); } } AddMethod(constr, setBarOneProgress);
function resetBarOneProgress()/*: void*/ { if (this.barOneCountFieldText) { this.barOneCountFieldText.nodeValue = "0 of 0"; } if (!this.barOneRow) { return; } for (var i /*: int*/ = 0; i < this.barOneRow.cells.length; i++) { HTMLElement_RemoveClassName(this.barOneRow.cells[i], "classProgressDialogBarOneCellHighlight"); } this.barOneLit = 0; } AddMethod(constr, resetBarOneProgress);
function stop() /*: void*/ { HTMLElement_RemoveClassName(this.stopButton, "classProgressDialogStopButtonActive"); this.stopped = true; } AddMethod(constr, stop);
return constr; })();
function Test_ProgressElement() { var progress = document.getElementById("idProgress"); function loop() { var total /*: int*/ = 1000000; for (var i /*: int*/ = 0; i < total; i++) { progress.value = i + 1; } } loop(); // no need for any window.setTimeout }
function AddMethod( constructor /*: Function*/, method /* Function*/, methodName /*: Function*/ ) /*: void*/ { var methodName /*: String*/ = methodName || Function_GetIdentifier(method); var proto /*: Object*/ = constructor.prototype; method.name = methodName; method.ownerProto = proto; proto[methodName] = method; method.constructorName = constructor.name || Function_GetIdentifier(constructor, true); }
<META> MODULE <core> INCLUDE <if_used> TYPE <module_public_function> NAME <AddMethod> CLASS <> EXTENDS <> REQUIRES < @core.Function_GetIdentifier >
function AddStaticMethod( constructor /*: Function*/, method /* Function*/, methodName /*: Function*/ ) /*: void*/ { var methodName /*: String*/ = methodName || Function_GetIdentifier(method); method.name = methodName; constructor[methodName] = method; method.constructorName = constructor.name || Function_GetIdentifier(constructor, true); }
<META> MODULE <core> INCLUDE <if_used> TYPE <module_public_function> NAME <AddMethod> CLASS <> EXTENDS <> REQUIRES < @core.Function_GetIdentifier >
function ExtendClass( constructor /*: Function*/, superConstructor /*: Function*/ ) /*: Object*/ { var f = function(){}; f.prototype = superConstructor.prototype; var proto /*: Object*/ = constructor.prototype = new f(); proto.prototype /*: Object*/ = proto; proto.superPrototype /*: Object*/ = f.prototype; proto.constructor /*: Function*/ = constructor; proto.superConstructor /*: Function*/ = superConstructor; constructor.superConstructor = superConstructor; var constructorName /*: String*/ = Function_GetIdentifier(constructor); constructor.name = constructorName; proto.constructorName = constructorName; return proto; }
<META> MODULE <core> INCLUDE <if_used> TYPE <module_public_function> NAME <ExtendClass> CLASS <> EXTENDS <> REQUIRES < >
function GetAppFolder() /*: String*/ { var index /*: int*/; var url /*: String*/ = document.URL; if (url.indexOf("%") > -1) { url = unescape(url); } url = url.replace(/^\s*file:(\/+)/, ""); index = url.lastIndexOf("\\"); if (index > - 1) { url = url.substring(0, index + 1); } index = url.lastIndexOf("\/"); if (index > - 1) { url = url.substring(0, index + 1); } return url; }
function HTMLElement_RemoveClassName( element /*: HTMLElement*/, className /*: String*/ ) /*: void*/ { var current /*: String*/ = String_Trim(element.className) || ""; if (!current) { return; } else if (current.indexOf(className) == -1) { return; } else { var pattern /*: String*/ = "(^|\\s)" + className + "(\\s|$)"; var re /*: RegExp*/ = new RegExp(pattern); re.lastIndex = 0; current = current.replace(re, "$1$2").replace(/\s+/g, " "); element.className = String_Trim(current); } }
function HTMLElement_AddClassName( element /*: HTMLElement*/, className /*: String*/ ) /*: void*/ { var current /*: String*/ = String_Trim(element.className) || ""; if (!current) { element.className = className; return; } else if (current.indexOf(className) == -1) { element.className += " " + className; } else { var pattern /*: String*/ = "(^|\\s)" + className + "(\\s|$)"; var re /*: RegExp*/ = new RegExp(pattern); re.lastIndex = 0; if (!re.test(current)) { element.className += " " + className; } } }
function String_Trim( s /*: String*/ ) /*: String*/ { return s.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); }
function Sleep( ms /*: Milliseconds*/ ) /*: void*/ { var start /*: int*/ = new Date().getTime(); while (new Date().getTime() < start + ms); }
// http://dbaron.org/log/20100309-faster-timeouts function ZeroTimeout(f /*: Function*/) { if (!ZeroTimeout.init ) { ZeroTimeout_Init(); } if (!ZeroTimeout.available) { throw Error("ZeroTimeout not available"); } ZeroTimeout.timeouts.push(f); window.postMessage(ZeroTimeout.messageName, "*"); } function ZeroTimeout_Init() { ZeroTimeout.init = true; ZeroTimeout.available = true; if (typeof window.postMessage == "undefined") { ZeroTimeout.available = false; return; } ZeroTimeout.timeouts = []; ZeroTimeout.messageName = "zero-timeout"; function ZeroTimeout_MessageHandler(event /*: Any*/) { var f /*: Function*/; if (event.source == window && event.data == ZeroTimeout.messageName) { event.stopPropagation(); if (ZeroTimeout.timeouts.length > 0) { f = ZeroTimeout.timeouts.shift(); f(); } } } window.addEventListener("message", ZeroTimeout_MessageHandler, true); }
http://dbaron.org/log/20100309-faster-timeouts // Only add setZeroTimeout to the window object, and hide everything // else in a closure. (function() { var timeouts = []; var messageName = "zero-timeout-message"; // Like setTimeout, but only takes a function argument. There's // no time argument (always zero) and no arguments (you have to // use a closure). function setZeroTimeout(fn) { timeouts.push(fn); window.postMessage(messageName, "*"); } function handleMessage(event) { if (event.source == window && event.data == messageName) { event.stopPropagation(); if (timeouts.length > 0) { var fn = timeouts.shift(); fn(); } } } window.addEventListener("message", handleMessage, true); // Add the one thing we want added to the window object. window.setZeroTimeout = setZeroTimeout; })();
<h1>Progress Bar Tests</h1> <br> <br> <p>Tested in IE 6-8, Opera 11, Chrome 9, Safari 4, Firefox 3.5</p> <hr> <br>
<h2>Test 1 - showModelessDialog (PASS - IE ONLY)</h2> <p>Works perfectly; my ideal solution.</p> <input type=button value="Run Test" onclick="Test_ShowModelessDialog();"> <br> <br> <hr> <br>
<h2>Test 2 - showModalDialog (FAIL - ALL BROWSERS)</h2> <input type=button value="Run Test" onclick="Test_ShowModalDialog();"> <br> <br> <hr> <br>
<h2>Test 3 - window.open (PASS - IE, FAIL - ALL OTHERS)</h2> <input type=button value="Run Test (IE)" onclick="Test_WindowOpen_IE();"> <input type=button value="Run Test (OTHERS)" onclick="Test_WindowOpen_Others();"> <br> <br> <hr> <br>
<h2>Test 4 - iframe (FAIL - ALL BROWSERS)</h2> <input type=button value="Run Test" onclick="Test_Iframe();"> <br> <iframe id=test4iframe name=test4iframe src="046-stub.htm" style='width: 200px; height:40px' scrolling="no" frameborder="1"></iframe> <br> <br> <hr> <br>
<h2>Test 5 - setTimeout and continuation (PASS - ALL BROWSERS)</h2> <input type=button value="Run Test" onclick="Test_Continuation();"> <input type=button value="Run Test (Zero Timeout)" onclick="Test_Continuation_ZeroTimeout();"> <p>Note that zero timeout can be instantaneous on some browsers in relation to the loop I am running.</p> <br> <div id=test5div></div> <br> <br> <hr> <br>
<h2>Test 6 - Worker (PASS - OPERA + FIREFOX, FAIL - OTHER BROWSERS)</h2> <input type=button value="Run Test" onclick="Test_Worker();"> <br> <div id=test6div></div> <br> <br> <hr> <br>
<h2>Test 7 - Progress (PASS - OPERA, FAIL - ALL OTHER BROWSERS)</h2> <input type=button value="Run Test" onclick="Test_ProgressElement();"> <br> <br> <progress id=idProgress value="0" max="1000000" style="width:400px; height:30px;"></progress> <br> <br> <hr> <br>
var stopped /*: Boolean*/ = false; self.onmessage = function(event) { var data /*: Object*/ = event.data; if (event.data.type == "CompleteLoop") { CompleteLoop(); } else if (event.data.type == "Stop") { stopped = true; } }; function CompleteLoop() { var total /*: int*/ = 10000; for (var i /*: int*/ = 0; i < total; i++) { if (stopped) { break; } self.postMessage ({type : "Progress", i : i + 1, total : total}); } self.postMessage ({type : "Done"} ); }